
About the gallery

Carol Robinson Gallery represents regional and national artists since 1980. We specialize in Southern Contemporary Art.

The gallery is located in a two story home in the heart of uptown New Orleans.
Works by well known Mississippi painters Jere Allen, Robert Malone. Beverly Dennis. and Cathy Hegman. Exquisite still lives and landscapes by Curtis Stewart Jaunsen can be found as well as impeccable works by Japanese painter Masahiro Arai, & Doug Sweet realist & Jack Bartlett. Pastel artist Sandra Burshell , New Orleans treasures and abstract painters Jean Geraci, Nell Tilton, Noah Saterstrom  Mary Hardy & Dave Ivey,

Reverent oils by Jack Maxwell. Masterful pastels & oils by Alan Flattmann.

Crisp non objective works on canvas by Tony Saladino.

A variety of three dimensional works are always on view, David Goodman’s innovative furniture designs, Daniel Goodman’s Art Chairs, Michael Yankowski’s detailed wooden alter pieces and Tinka Jordy’s stoneware ceramic sculptures.

Visitors may take their time and enjoy the variety of works that the gallery has to offer in the relaxing atmosphere of a restored New Orleans 19th century building in one of the oldest cities with a distinctly European aesthetic!


The  Virtual Exhibition features some of my favorite works by gallery artists.

Please also see individual artists pages for a more comprehensive sampling of their work.

I am happy to work with collectors and artists on commissioning a work if the right piece is

not available. Contact me directly for more information.

We are so very grateful to our many dear friends, collectors, and artists who have made this current quarantine time in New Orleans and our nation so positive for the gallery and our beloved city. Thank you for your faith in us and please come visit virtually or in person. Feel free to schedule a one on one appointment by calling or e-mailing me directly. carolrobin@bellsouth.net-

(Our Online Gallery is open 24hours! I respond to e-mails daily.  In gallery visits are Tuesday and Friday afternoons, Saturdays 11-3:45 or by appointment. Please e-mail me directly!   **NOTE new Hours on Saturdays, 11-3:45 and by appt from 5-6pm!**


signature - Carol